Circles and PiConic Sections
The circle is one of four different shapes which can be created using “slices” through a A cone is a three-dimensional solid that has a circular base joined to a single point (called the vertex) by a curved side. You could also think of a cone as a “circular pyramid”. A right cone is a cone with its vertex directly above the center of its base.
If you point the torch vertically downwards, you see a An ellipse is a curved path that surrounds two focal points. Any point on the circumference of the ellipse has the same sum of distances to the two foci. If the foci are very close, the ellipse looks almost like a circle. As they move further apart, the ellipse becomes more elongated. Ellipses are one type of conic section: an intersection of a cone with a plane. A parabola is the shape of the graph of a quadratic function like A hyperbola is the shape of the graph of the function
Collectively, these four shapes are called A conic section is a curve that is created as the intersection of the surface of a cone with a flat plane. There are four different types of conic sections, which share many properties:
Conic sections were first studied by the ancient Greek mathematician Apollonius of Perga (c. 200 BCE) was a Greek mathematician and astronomer best known for his work on the four conic sections.
In later courses, you’ll learn much more about parabolas and hyperbolas. For now, let’s have a closer look at the ellipse.
An ellipse just looks almost like an “elongated circle”. In fact, you could think about it as a circle with two centers – these are called focal points. Just like every point on a circle has the same distance from its center, every point on an ellipse has the same sum of distances to its two focal points.
If you have a long string connected to two fixed points, you can draw a perfect ellipse by tracing the maximum reach of the strings:
Coming soon: Ellipses drawing interactive
There are many other physical representations of how you could draw an ellipse:
Planetary Orbits
You might remember from the very beginning of this course, that ancient Greek astronomers believed that the Earth is at the centre of the universe and that the sun, moon and planets move around Earth on circular orbits.
Unfortunately, astronomical observation of the sky didn’t quite support this. For example, the sun appeared larger during some parts of the year and smaller during others. On a circle, every point should have

Greek astronomer Hipparchus of Nicaea
To fix this, astronomers added Epicycles to their model of the solar system: planets move on a large circle around Earth, while simultaneously rotating on a smaller circle. While very complicated, this was the most widely accepted model of our universe for more than 1000 years:
This planet makes

A 16-century drawing of epicycles in the Geocentric model. The Greek word “planetes” means “wanderers”.
Over time, people realised that Earth was just one of many planets orbiting the sun (the Heliocentric model), but it wasn’t until 1609, that the astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571 – 1630) was a German astronomer and mathematician. He was the imperial mathematician in Prague, and he is best known for his three laws of planetary motion. Kepler also worked in optics, and invented an improved telescope for his observations.
The sun is in one of the two focal points of these ellipses. The planets speed up as they get closer to the sun, and slow down as they move further away.
A few decades later, Sir Isaac Newton (1642 – 1726) was an English physicist, mathematician, and astronomer, and one of the most influential scientists of all time. He was a professor at Cambridge University, and president of the Royal Society in London. In his book Principia Mathematica, Newton formulated the laws of motion and gravity, which laid the foundations for classical physics and dominated our view of the universe for the next three centuries. Among many other things, Newton was one of the inventors of calculus, built the first reflecting telescope, calculated the speed of sound, studied the motion of fluids, and developed a theory of colour based on how prisms split sunlight into a rainbow-coloured spectrum. Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces of nature, and it pulls any two masses in the universe towards this other. Isaac Newton discovered that the force between two masses where G is the gravitational constant and r is the distance between the masses.
Gravity is what makes everything fall to the ground and gravity is also what makes the planets move around the sun. It is only the great speed at which planets move, that prevents them from falling directly into the sun.

Using Newton’s laws, you can derive the path that objects take when moving under the force of gravity. It turns out that planets move on ellipses, but other objects like comets can travel on A parabola is the shape of the graph of a quadratic function like A hyperbola is the shape of the graph of the function
According to legend, a falling apple inspired Newton to think about gravity. He was one of the most influential scientists of all time, and his ideas shaped our understanding of the world for nearly 300 years – until Albert Einstein discovered relativity in 1905.